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707 Headband Marijuana (Organic)

707 Headband Marijuana (Organic)

707 Headband is not something you wear on your head, but once you use this strain, it feels like you are wearing one as you feel its effect around your eyes and across your forehead to the ears. ... more
Availability:Out of stock
SKU SGE-707Headband
Product Details

RARE FIND IN CANADA! ♥ 707 Headband is not something you wear on your head, but once you use this strain, it feels like you are wearing one as you feel its effect around your eyes and across your forehead to the ears.

This powerful strain with THC as high as 24% is to bring you to an emotional high. In fact, this strain is perhaps one of the ultimate feel good strains.

There are conflicting accounts of the exact origin of 707 Headband, however, this is an Indica-dominant strain.

The 707 Headband is a three-way cross of Sour Diesel, OG Kush, and Master Kush.

The name “Headband” stems from the herb’s effects. But the “707” part of the name stems from a San Fransisco Bay area code. The strain was first popularized in the region. It has since become a fairly popular strain along the West Coast and in Chicago.

Parents: Sour Diesel, OG Kush, and Master Kush
Similar to: Skunk, Skunk #1, Butter OG, Hawaiian Skunk, NYC Diesel
Fragrant: Skunky, Earthy
Flavors: Skunky, Lime, Pine, Diesel
Effects: Euphoric, Relaxed, Happy, Uplifted, Focus
Medical: Stress, Depression, Pain, Muscle Spasms, Inflammation
Potency: 14-24% THC Content

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707 Headband Marijuana (Organic)

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