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African Transkei Magic Mushrooms
African Transkei Magic Mushrooms

African Transkei Magic Mushrooms

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African Transkei Magic Mushrooms

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Availability:In stock
Brand Coast2Coast
Product Details

African Transkei Magic Mushrooms strain originated in South Africa. African Transkei is a moderately potent stain that produces bodily vibration, sensory stimulation, euphoria, and light visuals. It is considered a great social activity strain. Excellent for parties, events or any talkative and interactive social settings.

African Transkei is also a great strain for beginners and well-seasoned users. At a moderate dose this magic mushroom produces prominent body sensations and astounding visuals. In the higher dose range, this magic mushroom will deliver an intense ‘ballet of tracers’, dancing lights and geometric shapes. African Transkei magic mushrooms also provide a light-twinkling and skin-tingling experience.

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African Transkei Magic Mushrooms

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