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Blackberry Kush Indica Pre-Rolls
Blackberry Kush Pre-Rolls

Blackberry Kush Indica Pre-Rolls

Blackberry Kush Indica Pre-Rolls ... more
Availability:Out of stock
Product Details

Blackberry kush is mostly a indica strain that is a mix of Afghani and Blackberry strains and has beautiful dark purple buds with orange hairs. Blackberry Kush tends to have a hashy, jet fuel smell and taste that is balanced by sweet berries. Blackberry Kush is often recommended for the treatment of pain thanks to its strong indica body effects.

Parent: Afghani & Blackberry
Flavors: Berry, Sweet, Earthy
Effects: Relaxed, Happy, Sleepy, Uplifted, Euphoric
Medical: Stress, Insomnia, Pain, Depression, Headaches
Potency : 15.00/24.00% THC
Pack includes : 5 joints. Choose between .5g or 1g

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Blackberry Kush Indica Pre-Rolls

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