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Product Details
Bruce Banner / Hindu Kush Cherry Oil is made from a blend of Bruce Banner and Hindu Kush flowers grown on Vancouver Island, in beautiful British Columbia! Bruce Banner takes its namesake from the alter-ego of comic book superhero the Hulk, and it receives this name with good reason as it is quite a powerful strain. Bruce Banner has more going for it than a clever name and high THC content, however. This Sativa dominant hybrid strain packs quite a punch with a great balance between the Sativa and Indica effects. Hindu Kush is a potent pure indica, boasting a slowly-mounting high that begins as a sense of physical relaxation and then progresses toward a state of mental fogginess. Because of its heavy body stone, Hindu Kush is not recommended for active daytime use.
This cherry oil has been independently tested at MB labs to contain over 64.43% cannabinoids, including 57.80% THC!
2ml => 1156mg THC
Delta-9 THC 57.80%
CannaBiGerol 2.32%
CannaBiNol 1.20%
CannaBiChromene 1.42%
Delta-9 THCV 0.36%
5ml => 2890mg THC
Delta-9 THC 57.80%
CannaBiGerol 2.32%
CannaBiNol 1.20%
CannaBiChromene 1.42%
Delta-9 THCV 0.36%
This oil can be used for smoking, topical and oral/edible needs.

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