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CBD Afghani Blonde Hash
CBD Rene Blonde Hash

CBD Afghani Blonde Hash

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Availability:In stock
Product Details

CBD Afghani blonde hash

Sold in 1 gram increments

3.5 grams = 1/8 ounce

7 grams = 1/4 ounce

14 grams = 1/2 and ounce

28 grams = 1 ounce

Hash, or hashish, is the product of collecting the resin stalks, trichomes, or THC, from cannabis plants. This classic form is commonly collected by growers when they handle the mature plants. The resinous trichomes of the plant rub off on their hands, thus creating the common terminology for it: rub. In some areas it’s referred to as finger or scissor hash. When the plants are trimmed after curing, they also trickle down trichomes. Growers tend to trim over a silk screen, and the sieved product is what’s commonly referred to as kief. It’s also collected in grinders with screens inside, though without a filter through a proper silk screen, it’s not truly a hash. Another common collection technique utilizes several silk screen bags (bubble bags) and ice water to separate the trichomes from the cannabis plant matter and filter them through the screens. This yields a solventless unpressed hash, bubble hash, full melt, or ice wax.

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