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CBD Calming Tea
High Tea - CBD Calming Tea

CBD Calming Tea

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Availability:In stock
Brand High Tea
Product Details

High Tea CBD Calming Tea. 100mg of CBD and less than 5mg THC per bag. There are10 servings loose leaf tea per bag. Tea bags included.

Ingredients: CBD, Chamomile, Lemon Balm, Valerian, Rose Petals, Catnip

CBD - used for seizures, chronic pain, anxiety, arthritis, insomnia, muscle disorder, Parkinson disease, Alzheimer’s disease, MS, etc
Chamomile - used for insomnia, boosting immune, treats colds, soothes stomach ache, muscle spasms, period pains, reduces stress
Lemon Balm - used for anxiety, stress, insomnia, indigestion (dyspepsia), dementia, Alzheimer disease, and many other conditions
Valerian - used for sleep disorders, anxiety and psychological stress
Rose Petals - used for menstrual pain, anti-inflammatory, relaxation, stress, etc..
Catnip - used for nervousness, anxiety, indigestion, insomnia, indigestion, cramping and gas

*Although above ingredients have be used by people for above reason. We make no claims of any health benefits.

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