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Charlottes Webb-X RSO Oil - 1:1
Viridesco Charlottes Webb-X RSO Oil - 1:1

Charlottes Webb-X RSO Oil - 1:1

Charlotte's Webb-X RSO 1:1 Oil. Available in 2ml. Good for topical and oral/edible needs. Charlotte's Webb-X is made with a 50:50 hybrid. ... more
Availability:Out of stock
Product Details

Charlotte's Webb-X RSO 1:1 Oil. Available in 2ml and 5ml. Good for topical and oral/edible needs. Charlotte's Webb-X is made with a 50:50 hybrid. The 2ml dispenser contains 264mg THC and 2888mg CBD. Charlotteàs Webb was created specifically for a high CBD to THC ratio by crossing cannabis plants with industrial hemp. Its CBD content runs 300 times higher than the average recreational strain. Its scent is dank and piney with some light floral notes, and it tastes slightly skunky with an underlying grassy, vegetal taste that speaks to its hemp content. This very special RSO has been independently tested at MB labs to contain over 32.45% cannabinoids, including 14.4% CBD and 13.2% THC!.

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Charlottes Webb-X RSO Oil - 1:1

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