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Charlottes Webb-X RSO Oil - 5:1
Viridesco Charlottes Webb-X RSO Oil - 5:1

Charlottes Webb-X RSO Oil - 5:1

Charlotte's Webb-X RSO 5:1 Oil. Available in 2ml and 5ml. Good for topical and oral/edible needs. Charlotte's Webb-X is made with a 50:50 hybrid. ... more
Availability:Out of stock
Product Details

Charlotte's Webb-X RSO 5:1 Oil. Available in 2ml and 5ml. Good for topical and oral/edible needs. Charlotte's Webb-X is made with a 50:50 hybrid. The 2ml dispenser contains 854mg THC and 158mg CBD. The 5ml dispenser contains 2135mg THC and 395mg CBD.

The product was grown and produced on Vancouver Island, in B.C. Charlotte’s Web is a medical strain high in CBD, a cannabis compound (or cannabinoid) that has a range of medical applications. Charlotte’s Web has spurred a wave of innovation in CBD breeding, making this one of them.

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Charlottes Webb-X RSO Oil - 5:1

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