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Dixie Dew Drops - Cinnamon
Dixie Botanicals Dew Drops - Cinnamon

Dixie Dew Drops - Cinnamon

 Regular Price $299.99 $199.99
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Availability:In stock
Product Details

Are you interested in adding a CBD hemp oil supplement to your routine that also tastes great? Dixie Botanicals® has infused natural cinnamon flavor into their Dew Drops hemp oil tinctures to give them an enticing zest. As easy as a few drops under the tongue once or twice a day, Dixie Botanicals® provides a simple, all-natural way to start integrating CBD into your day. Each 1 oz bottle comes with 100 mg of CBD and each 2 oz bottle comes with 500 mg of CBD for two and a half times more potency than our 1 oz. bottle.

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Dixie Dew Drops - Cinnamon

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