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Dixie Dew Drops - Natural
Dixie Botanicals Dew Drops - Natural

Dixie Dew Drops - Natural

Dixie Dew Drops - Natural ... more
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Product Details

Dixie Botanicals® has captured the deep, rich, textured flavors of the outdoors in their unflavored Natural Dew Drops hemp oil tinctures. Made with hemp grown along the rolling hills of Northern Europe, Dixie Botanicals® Dew Drops bring the finest natural ingredients to this wholesome CBD hemp oil supplement. Just a few drops, 1-2 times daily is enough to add CBD to your day. Lightly sweetened with Stevia, our Natural Dew Drops were formulated for those who truly enjoy the rewarding experience and deep flavor of all things natural. Each 1 oz bottle comes with 100 mg of CBD and each 2 oz bottle comes with 500 mg of CBD for two and a half times more potency than our 1 oz. bottle.

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