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Gorilla Glue #4 / UK Cheese Cherry Oil
Viridesco Gorilla Glue#4 & UK Cheese Cherry Oil

Gorilla Glue #4 / UK Cheese Cherry Oil

Gorilla Glue #4 / UK Cheese Cherry Oil. 72.13% cannabinoids, including 66.47% THC ... more
Availability:Out of stock
Product Details

Gorilla Glue #4 / UK Cheese Cherry Oil is made from a blend of Gorilla Glue #4 and UK Cheese flowers grown on Vancouver Island, in beautiful British Columbia! Gorilla Glue #4 is a very potent indica dominant hybrid. The genetic makeup is a mix of Chocolate Diesel with Sour Dub and Chem Sister. The smell of diesel is strong but the taste is similar to coffee that has gone stale. The smell is extremely strong, one of the strongest strains. This type of cannabis is often used by those that feel a need to self-medicate. Cheese, as it's also known, is perhaps the most famous marijuana strain to emerge from the British Isles. English farmers created this strain by inbreeding Skunk #1, a sativa-dominant hybrid. UK Cheese itself is indica-dominant, with a sativa/indica ratio of 20:80, but the effects are balanced, delivering both a head and body high. The effects are intensely euphoric, with an upbeat, happy mood, some laziness, and a dose of creativity.

This cherry oil has been independently tested at MB labs to contain over 72.13% cannabinoids, including 66.47% THC!

2ml => 1326mg THC
Delta-9 THC 66.30%
CannaBiGerol 2.10%
CannaBiNol 1.04%
CannaBiDiol 1.03%
CannaBiChromene 0.93%

5ml => 3315mg THC
Delta-9 THC 66.30%
CannaBiGerol 2.10%
CannaBiNol 1.04%
CannaBiDiol 1.03%
CannaBiChromene 0.93%

This oil can be used for smoking, topical and oral/edible needs.

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Gorilla Glue #4 / UK Cheese Cherry Oil

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