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Harlequin Honey Oil Vape Pen Kit
Harley Quinn Honey Oil Vape Pen Kit

Harlequin Honey Oil Vape Pen Kit

 Regular Price $79.99 $44.99
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Harlequin Honey Oil Vape Pen Kit. ... more
Availability:In stock
Product Details

High quality and High in THC this amazing honey oil is perfect for vaping. This medicinal honey oil is made using 99.99% pure isopropyl. Each batch has lab tests showing 72-86% THC and zero residual solvents.

*Easy to slip into a pocket or purse, they are perfect for on the go, inconspicuous medicating.

*Every vaporizer has special ceramic coils for proper consumption of distillate and honey. The sleek design allows patients to medicate with ease and discretely on the go.

*A level dose, clean product for pain management, insomnia, stress etc.

*The pens emit a sweet-smelling smoke and are discreet.

*Our Harley Quinn (Harlequin) 1:1 THC:CBD contains = 380 mg THC: 380 mg CBD per gram. (.5 g of Honey Oil in Pen, Pen cart is re-fillable about 2-3 times.)

Pre-filled 0.5g Cartridges. Each package (unit) includes a battery, cartridge and charger.

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Harlequin Honey Oil Vape Pen Kit

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