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Island Sweet Skunk Marijuana

Island Sweet Skunk Marijuana

Island Sweet Skunk cannabis strain is a Sativa dominant hybrid, also known as Sweet Island Skunk. The Island Sweet Skunk aroma and flavor are true to its name – tropical fruit , grapefruit and skunk.

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  • 20
  • 80
  • 16% AVG THC
    0.8% AVG CBD
Availability:Out of stock
Product Details

Island Sweet Skunk cannabis strain is a Sativa dominant hybrid, also known as Sweet Island Skunk. Bred by Federation Seed Company in Canada this bud has bright green nugs with orange hairs and good trichome coverage. The Island Sweet Skunk aroma and flavor are true to its name – tropical fruit , grapefruit and skunk. Use in moderation as this weed can induce paranoia and scattered thought pattern. Island Sweet Skunk marijuana strain is good for daytime use due to stimulating properties

Parents: Big Skunk No 1 & Grapefruit
Flavors: Herbal, Fruity, Pine
Effects: Happy, Uplifted, Energetic, Euphoric, Creative
Medical: Stress, Depression, Pain, Anxiety, Fatigue

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Island Sweet Skunk Marijuana

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