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Marys CBD Honey Tears - 1ml
Marys CBD Honey Tears

Marys CBD Honey Tears - 1ml

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Marys CBD Honey Tears range is made with premium New Zealand Manuka honey. The THC tear provides excellent pain relief with the Manuka honey supporting the therapeutic effect due to its rich antioxidant, antibacterial and anti- inflammatory characteristics. Their CBD Honey tear gives you all the medical benefit without the hallucinogenic side effects sought after by many customers and patients new to the industry ... more
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Product Details

Marys CBD Honey Tears range is made with premium New Zealand Manuka honey. The THC tear provides excellent pain relief with the Manuka honey supporting the therapeutic effect due to its rich antioxidant, antibacterial and anti- inflammatory characteristics. Their CBD Honey tear gives you all the medical benefit without the hallucinogenic side effects sought after by many customers and patients new to the industry.

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Marys CBD Honey Tears - 1ml

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