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MK Ultra Marijuana
MK Ultra Marijuana

MK Ultra Marijuana

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MK Ultra cannabis.

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Availability:In stock
Brand Coast2Coast
Product Details

MK Ultra won 1st place Indica at the High Times Cannabis Cup in 2003 and 2nd place in 2004. MK Ultra is renowned for its ‘hypnotic’ effects that are fast-acting and best used when strong medication is desired. As evidenced by its collection of awards, this indica is one of the strongest in the world. It might be best for a day when not getting off the couch would be fine.


Parents: OG Kush, G13
Flavors: Earthy, Woody, Pungent
Effects: Relaxed, Happy, Sleepy, Euphoric, Hungry
Medical: Pain, Stress, Insomnia, Depression, Lack of Appetite

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MK Ultra Marijuana

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