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Mothers Finest Marijuana

Mothers Finest Marijuana

Mother’s Finest is a 70% sativa-dominant strain with heavy Haze genetics. Named after Frank Zappa’s band Mothers of Invention, Mother’s Finest is a masterfully crafted hybrid that captures both the desirable sativa buzz and the resin-heavy traits from a Northern Lights ancestor. This Jack Herer cousin typically forms spear-shaped buds that carry more weight and density than your archetypal sativa. Its aroma is sweet and tangy with earthy undertones that provide a smooth, complex flavor profile. ... more
Availability:Out of stock
SKU mothers-finest-marijuana
Product Details

Mother’s Finest is a 70% sativa-dominant strain with heavy Haze genetics. Named after Frank Zappa’s band Mothers of Invention, Mother’s Finest is a masterfully crafted hybrid that captures both the desirable sativa buzz and the resin-heavy traits from a Northern Lights ancestor. This Jack Herer cousin typically forms spear-shaped buds that carry more weight and density than your archetypal sativa. Its aroma is sweet and tangy with earthy undertones that provide a smooth, complex flavor profile.

Parents: Jack Herer
Flavors: Sweet, Tangy, Earthy

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