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Purple Dragon Marijuana

Purple Dragon Marijuana

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Purple Dragon is not your average indica. This cross between Purple Urkle and Blue Dragon is more stimulating than other indicas, providing users with a cerebral and energizing experience upon first taste

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  • 15% AVG THC
    1% AVG CBD
Availability:In stock
SKU Purple-Dragon-Marijuana
Product Details

Purple Dragon is not your average indica. This cross between Purple Urkle and Blue Dragon is more stimulating than other indicas, providing users with a cerebral and energizing experience upon first taste. While initially uplifting, Purple Dragon shows its full range of effects over time. Relaxing muscles and relieving pain, this strain provides a gentle and effective body buzz. Purple Dragon’s unique effects are complemented by its smooth aroma. Like other purples, this strain features a musky scent and floral taste. Purple Dragon is a must-try strain for those looking for a truly different cannabis experience.

Parents: Purple Urkle and Blue Dragon
Flavor: Cherry, Grape, Apple
Effects: Relaxed, Euphoric, Happy, Uplifted, Hungry
Medical: Pain, Stress, Insomnia, Depression, Anxiety
Average THC / CBD: 10-21% / 0.75-2.0%

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