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Rapid CBD Pure Natural Hemp Oil Tincture
Isodiol Rapid CBD Pure Natural Hemp Oil Tincture

Rapid CBD Pure Natural Hemp Oil Tincture

This premium wellness tincture is a blend of ISO99 CBD and MCT oil derived from organic coconuts. This unique mixture is free of preservatives, flavors and additives. ISO99 CBD is derived from high quality hemp and is guaranteed for purity and safety. RapidCBD Hemp Oil is a concentrate of ISO99 and has one of the highest concentrations of CBD among similar products available in the market. ... more
Availability:Out of stock
Product Details

This premium wellness tincture is a blend of ISO99 CBD and MCT oil derived from organic coconuts. This unique mixture is free of preservatives, flavors and additives. ISO99 CBD is derived from high quality hemp and is guaranteed for purity and safety. RapidCBD Hemp Oil is a concentrate of ISO99 and has one of the highest concentrations of CBD among similar products available in the market.

Suggested Use: Shake well before use.
Consume 1ml orally once or twice daily. 1/2 dropper = 0.5ml
60 servings per bottle
Store in a cool, dark place

Ingredients : Medium Chain Triglycerides (from organic coconuts), ISO99 Hemp Extract

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Rapid CBD Pure Natural Hemp Oil Tincture

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