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Scout Master Shatter
Island Extracts Scout Master Shatter

Scout Master Shatter

 Regular Price $59.99 Special Price $49.99
Scout Master Shatter is made by Island Extracts. This sativa dominant hybrid will leave you with your nose stuck to the bud, both figuratively and literally. ... more
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Product Details

This Scout Master Shatter is made by Island Extracts. This sativa dominant hybrid will leave you with your nose stuck to the bud, both figuratively and literally. Not only is the smell intoxicating it has a very strong sour lemon/lime flavor. With its mouth-watering lemon flavor, you simply want to sit and enjoy your smoking experience, then get up and enjoy the euphoric visual high that Scout Master brings. If you’re looking for your typical sativa look no further. Scout Master leaves you energized, happy/giggly, focused, and just loving life. Scout Master comes highly recommended by all who try it. It's great for stress, anxiety, depression, focus, and energy.

Flavors: Citrus, Pungent, Sour
Effects: Relaxed, Happy, Sleepy, Euphoric, Hungry
Medical Uses: Pain, Stress, Insomnia, Depression, Lack of Appetite

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Scout Master Shatter

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