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Social Pure Honey Oil Sativa Cannabis Vape Kit
Shelter Cannabis Sativa Vape Kit

Social Pure Honey Oil Sativa Cannabis Vape Kit

 Regular Price $89.99 $74.99
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Social Pure Honey Oil Sativa Cannabis Vape Kit ... more
Availability:In stock
Product Details

Social offers 100% pure honey oil sativa cannabis vape kits of multiple strains. Their oil has no VG, no PG or cutting agents providing the best cannabis vape experience possible.

Shelter vape pens use Ccell TH2 cartridges and M3 batteries. The TH2 uses a ceramic heating element and glass housing, so you get the most flavor out of your favorite oil. The cartridges use a ceramic mouthpiece which ensures a cooler and cleaner hit.

Shelter uses Ccell’s M3 battery, with a 510 thread and a 350mAh capacity. The batteries are rechargeable with a supplied USB adapter. The cartridges are recommended to be used with the supplied batteries, if a customers has there own battery with a 510 thread, we recommend to start at the lowest battery amp and work up to find the ideal temperature.

You'll receive 0.5ml top, pen, battery & usb. Pens may vary in color

100% Pure Honey Cannabis oil


Battery and USB


No Artificial Flavours

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Social Pure Honey Oil Sativa Cannabis Vape Kit

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