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THC Tincture - 150mg
THC Tincture - 150mg

THC Tincture - 150mg

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Tincture drops offer significant advantages over other methods of administering medical cannabinoids: a 29ml jar with easy to use droplet application allows you to receive a precise dose into the mouth, sublingually. Absorption via oral mucosa into the bloodstream is fast and dependable. Tincture is not processed by the digestive system and liver into a metabolite as occurs with orally ingested cannabinoids in edibles. This means the effect is similar to smoking cannabis but without the smoke. ... more
Availability:In stock
SKU thc-tincture-150mg
Product Details

Tincture drops offer significant advantages over other methods of administering medical cannabinoids: a 29ml jar with easy to use droplet application allows you to receive a precise dose into the mouth, sublingually. Absorption via oral mucosa into the bloodstream is fast and dependable. Tincture is not processed by the digestive system and liver into a metabolite as occurs with orally ingested cannabinoids in edibles. This means the effect is similar to smoking cannabis but without the smoke.

Patients report that the precision-dose dropper makes it easy to achieve the appropriate level of medication. Unlike edibles, you know within a few minutes if the initial dosage was sufficient. Start with 3–5 drops, increasing slowly, if necessary.

Unlike edibles, the tincture is absorbed quickly. Effect is similar to smoking cannabis but without the smoke. Onset within 15 minutes; lasts 1-2 hours.

Ingredients: Cannabis oil, MCT oil, natural flavour

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