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Toffee Crunch Shatter Bar - 250mg - 500mg Sativa

Toffee Crunch Shatter Bar - 250mg - 500mg Sativa

Toffee Crunch Shatter Bar - 250mg - 500mg Sativa ... more
Availability:Out of stock
Product Details

Toffee Crunch shatter bar is the the perfect solution for you edible needs. With 24 squares, these bars are easy to manage and contain a potent 250mg or 500mg of lab tested full spectrum extract sourced from the finest cannabis available.

Tolerance may vary. Consider eating 1/2 a square of infused chocolate and waiting up to 2 hours to feel its effects before consuming more. The experience may last for several hours.

Choose between 250mg and 500mg

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Toffee Crunch Shatter Bar - 250mg - 500mg Sativa

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