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Delicious Tropical Fruit VapeIt CBD E-Liquid

Delicious Tropical Fruit VapeIt CBD E-Liquid

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Delicious VapeIt CBD E-Liquid. Simply add to your vaporizer tank and enjoy! CBDXtreme vape oils support your wellness efforts and help you meet life’s demands. VapeIT was formulated to increase vitality and sustain the body’s overall function, combining full spectrum hemp oil and delicious flavors in a powerful e-liquid. Carefully selected herbal adaptogens make each VapeIT blend greater than the sum of its parts. These herbal blends are made fresh for every batch, ensuring their distinct functions work in tune with naturally-occurring phytocannabinoids for homeostasis throughout the body. Our vape formulas are free of artificial colors and dyes and are formulated in the USA ... more
Availability:In stock
Product Details

Simply add to your vaporizer tank and enjoy! CBDXtreme vape oils support your wellness efforts and help you meet life’s demands. VapeIT was formulated to increase vitality and sustain the body’s overall function, combining full spectrum hemp oil and delicious flavors in a powerful e-liquid. Carefully selected herbal adaptogens make each VapeIT blend greater than the sum of its parts. These herbal blends are made fresh for every batch, ensuring their distinct functions work in tune with naturally-occurring phytocannabinoids for homeostasis throughout the body. Our vape formulas are free of artificial colors and dyes and are formulated in the USA.

Available in 50mg, 250mg and 500mg

Directions : Simply add to your vaporizer tank and enjoy.

Ingredients : This product contains no PEG, Nicotine, BHA or artificial colors. Each serving contains phytocannabinoids. These are all completely natural and beneficial phytocannabinoids found in hemp. This product contains less than 0.3% THC, and is completely non-psychotropic, meaning it cannot create a “high”.

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Delicious Tropical Fruit VapeIt CBD E-Liquid

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