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Hemp For Pets Soft Baked Bites For Cats

Hemp For Pets Soft Baked Bites For Cats

HempBone Artisan soft baked smoked salmon bites for cats. ... more
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Product Details

HempBone Artisan soft baked smoked salmon bites for cats. Soft Baked Cat Chews are the perfect snack for your feline friend, naturally flavored with roasted seafood in every bite. Each treat contains high-quality CBD oil to help support your pet’s endocannabinoid system, which is responsible for regulating normal bodily functions and promoting overall wellness.

May say HempBone Smoked Salmon Bites on old packaging as they just released new packaging.

No Pesticides
No Herbicides
CO2 Extracted
Triple Lab Tested™

Ingredients : 60mg of Hemp Derived CBD Extract, Wheat flour, cane molasses, potato flour, brewers dried yeast, glycerin USP, stabilized rice bran, calcium carbonate, rice flour, vegetable oil, lecithin, natural flavor (seafood roast), salt, sorbic acid, calcium propionate.

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Hemp For Pets Soft Baked Bites For Cats

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