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Mekong 4:1 RSO Oil
Viridesco Mekong 4:1 RSO Oil

Mekong 4:1 RSO Oil

Mekong 4:1 RSO Oil. 75% Sativa.

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Availability:Out of stock
Brand Viridesco
Product Details

Viridesco Mekong 4:1 RSO Oil. 

This oil is made from Mekong High flowers grown on Vancouver Island, in beautiful British Columbia!

Mekong High is a sativa dominant hybrid strain that is a cross of pure Laos X Vietnamese. This bud is best known for its super uplifting effects. This cerebral high is surprisingly clear-headed yet stoney at the same time, leaving you utterly relaxed but with a sense of functional focus and purpose. This is accompanied by a mellow relaxing body buzz that leaves you utterly at ease with a sense of happy serenity. The smell of this bud is reminiscent of a fresh cup of herbal tea. The taste is very much the same, with delicious fresh hints of herbs and spices and an aftertaste of pine and earth.

Our greenhouse growing conditions on Vancouver Island brought out a high production of CBD! These conditions may or may not be repeatable!

This high-end RSO has been independently tested at MB labs to contain over 68.41% cannabinoids, including 52.60% THC and 11.30% CBD!

Available in 2ml and 5ml

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Mekong 4:1 RSO Oil

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