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Mushroom Mountain Chai Psilocybin Tea
Mushroom Mountain Chai Psilocybin Tea

Mushroom Mountain Chai Psilocybin Tea

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Mushroom Mountain Chai Psilocybin Tea


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Availability:In stock
Product Details

Tea is one of the best ways to enjoy Psilocybin. It’s easy on the stomach, tastes good, your body absorbs it
faster and your trip duration is shorter. Mushroom Mountain delicious natural Psilocybin Teas comes in a
variety of flavors. Each tea bag contains 250mg or 500mg of Psilocybe Cubensis (B+ Strain). This level of concentration is ideal for micro-dosing or beginners who want a mild to medium psychedelic experience when 2-4 tea bags are used. Let your mind and body loose with our our natural Psilocybin Tea collection.


Chai Tea helps boost heart health, reduce blood sugar levels, aid digestion and help with weight loss.

Try before you buy or purchase a tin. 

250mg x 1 bag
500mg x 1 bag
1000mg (4 bags x 250mg)
2000mg (4 bags x 500mg)


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Mushroom Mountain Chai Psilocybin Tea

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