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Platinum Girl Scout Cookie Marijuana

Platinum Girl Scout Cookie Marijuana

If you thought Girl Scout Cookie couldn’t get any better, then behold its next evolution, Platinum Girl Scout Cookie or Platinum GSC. This Cup-winning hybrid cross of OG Kush, Durban Poison, and a third unknown strain fills your nose and lungs with sweet notes of berry and candy, followed by a fruity spiciness. Patients with severe pain, nausea, swelling, migraines, and stress should look no further for relief as symptoms both physical and mood-related melt away instantly. The Platinum GSC strain flaunts a heavy coat of crystal trichomes over its sage green leaves, assuring its potency to any consumer in doubt. ... more
Availability:Out of stock
SKU platinum-gsc
Product Details

If you thought Girl Scout Cookie couldn’t get any better, then behold its next evolution, Platinum Girl Scout Cookie or Platinum GSC. This Cup-winning hybrid cross of OG Kush, Durban Poison, and a third unknown strain fills your nose and lungs with sweet notes of berry and candy, followed by a fruity spiciness. Patients with severe pain, nausea, swelling, migraines, and stress should look no further for relief as symptoms both physical and mood-related melt away instantly. The Platinum GSC strain flaunts a heavy coat of crystal trichomes over its sage green leaves, assuring its potency to any consumer in doubt.

Parents: OG Kush, Durban Poison
Flavors: Sweet, Earthy, Pungent
Effects: Relaxed, Happy, Euphoric, Uplifted, Creative
Medical: Stress, Depression, Pain, Headaches, Lack of Appetite Stress
Potentcy: 17 - 28% THC / CBD 0.06 - 0.2%

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Platinum Girl Scout Cookie Marijuana

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