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Sour Tsunami Marijuana

Sour Tsunami Marijuana

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The name of this increasingly popular medical choice refers not to the potency of its high but to the power of its symptom relief.

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  • 50
  • 50
  • 11% AVG THC
    10% AVG CBD
Availability:In stock
SKU Sour-Tsunami-Marijuana
Brand Coast2Coast
Product Details

The name of this increasingly popular medical choice refers not to the potency of its high but to the power of its symptom relief. Sour Tsunami has high CBD content, as high as 10% or even 11%, which makes it one of the most seizure-friendly medications on the market. THC levels, on the other hand, are quite low, usually less than 10%. That makes this a good choice for some children with severe epilepsy, as well as other patients whose conditions respond to CBD. A cross of Sour Diesel and NYC Diesel, this strain is a sativa-dominant hybrid with an unknown ratio of sativa to indica. Anyway, the genetic balance of Sour Tsunami is much less important to most patients than its high CBD content. This strain should be used to treat chronic pain, seizures, insomnia, and stress. It can also helps spur appetite in patients who need to eat more. Like its parents, Sour Tsunami has a sour flavor and smell with strong notes of diesel and earth. It's hard to find on the black market.


Parents: Sour Diesel & NYC Diesel
Flavor: Citrus, Diesel, Pine, Sweet, Woody
Effects: Euphoria, Focus, Happy, Relaxing
May Help With: ADD/ADHD, Arthritis, Chronic Pain, Depression, Headaches, Hypertension, Inflammation, Migraines, Muscle Spasms, PTSD, Stress

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Sour Tsunami Marijuana

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