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Twisted Extracts CBD Tincture
Buy Twisted Extracts CBD Tincture

Twisted Extracts CBD Tincture

Simple, natural and versatile. The new Twisted Extracts Drops are made with only two ingredients; cannabis extract and avocado oil. Whatever your dose, these drops make it easy to incorporate CBD into your daily routine. Add it to your coffee or mix it into a salad dressing, the possibilities are endless. ... more
Availability:Out of stock
Product Details

Simple, natural and versatile. The new Twisted Extracts Drops are made with only two ingredients; cannabis extract and avocado oil. Whatever your dose, these drops make it easy to incorporate CBD into your daily routine. Add it to your coffee or mix it into a salad dressing, the possibilities are endless.

Choose between 300mg / 10mg CBD per serving and 900mg / 30mg CBD per serving


*This batch is on clearance sale as sometimes product lid leaks during transit. 

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