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Not So Pretty THC Edibles
Not So Pretty THC Edibles

Not So Pretty THC Edibles

 Regular Price $9.99 Special Price $4.99
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We have random edibles that either didn't come out so pretty from suppliers, or product that's fused together or products that bloomed or just don't look pretty. 

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Availability:In stock
Brand Coast2Coast
Product Details

Dive into a wild and wonderful world of surprise with our random not so pretty THC edibles on sale – these treats might not win a beauty contest, but they pack a punch with unbeatable savings, delivering a rollercoaster of flavors and effects that won't disappoint your wallet!

Products can range in 50mg - 500mg thc. 

Current products :
Candy - assorted flavors (sour gummies, hard candy, gummies)
Chocolate (chocolate bars, chocolate bites, truffles)
Cookies & other baked goods (cereal bars, rice krispie squares, fudge, brownies, and more. 

Price per piece/pack depending on how it comes.

*Remember these thc edibles that either didn't come out so pretty from suppliers, or product that's fused together, smashed or products that got mixed up so unsure of content, 

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Not So Pretty THC Edibles

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